Promoters T-DAYS


On november 2020, as part of the Green Sports Games Project, the Bulgarian partner – Champions Factory – organized a training workshop for Youth workers, gathering 10 participants via online.


The first local online workshop for the Green Sports Games Project, led by the Turkish partner – Academy Culture And Education Association, or Akademi Kültür Eğitim Derneği  (AKED), was performed by Bedirhan Avanoğlu with 30 youth workers.
During the workshop, topics were discussed on how we can be more environmentalist while doing sport, and how we can protect nature together with the youth workers.


The practical training workshop held by Youth workers for other Youth workers or grassroots organizations staff / leaders (Green Sports Games Promoters) was held by the Italian partner – Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Polisportiva 2001– in the Tarvisio, Italy. This event gathered 15 youth workers, who gained needed knowledge to promote activities in their local environment and will connect with local sport clubs and disseminate the results.



The practical training workshop held by Youth workers for other Youth workers or grassroots organizations staff / leaders (Green Sports Games Promoters) was held by the slovenian partner – Zavod za šport Slovenske Konjice – in the Municipality of Slovenske Konjice, Slovenia.

This event gathered 32 youth workers, who gained needed knowledge to promote activities in their local environment and will connect with local sport clubs and disseminate the results.

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The lead partner of the Green Sports Games – União das Freguesias de Gondomar (S. Cosme), Valbom e Jovim, held the second practical training workshop held by Youth workers for other Youth workers or grassroots organizations staff / leaders (Green Sports Games Promoters), bringing together 15 participants in this training event.

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The first practical training workshop held by Youth workers for other Youth workers or grassroots organizations staff / leaders (Green Sports Games Promoters) was held in Gondomar, Portugal.

The fundamental purpose of this activities is via local grassroot organizations youth workers be possible to Empowering more Local stakeholders for a more interactive group-work sessions and in the end provide a Local plan in which it’ll be possible using Sports and Games as an impact sport method in changing human behaviour or attitudes for a greater critical environmental awareness.

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